About the Project
Through our research with over 170 people working in or with schools across Canada, we identified the essential conditions necessary for taking a comprehensive school health (CSH) approach. CSH is an effective approach that benefits the health of school communities by transforming the culture of the schools, promoting healthy behaviours for students, and improving academic outcomes. School communities across Canada, and the world, are adopting the CSH approach. While we know CSH works, there is still a need to support school communities taking a CSH approach.
Based on feedback we received during our interviews, we created a tool to help school communities reflect, plan, and celebrate their CSH efforts. We are currently testing this tool with a wide range of people working in and with schools, school districts, and universities. Our goal is to develop an online resource that is valid and reliable for individuals and groups who want to capture and bolster their CSH efforts.
For more information about this project contact: [email protected]
If you are interested in testing out the Essential Conditions survey please click here:

Helpful resources for this project include:
- Storey, K.E., Montemurro, G., Flynn, J., Schwartz, M., Wright, E., Osler, J., Veugelers, P.J., Roberts, E. (2016). Essential conditions for the implementation of comprehensive school health to achieve changes in school culture and improvements in health behaviours of students. BMC Public Health 16(1):1133. doi.org/10.1186/s12889-016-3787-1
- Storey, K.E., Montemurro, G., Flynn, J., Schwartz, M. Wright E., Osler, J., Veugelers P., Roberts, E. (2017). Essential conditions for the implementation of comprehensive school health. Health Matters, 3(5). Alberta School Boards Association. November 3. Download PDF
- Montemurro, G. (2020) Resolving to reflect this new year. The Sandbox. Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan. January 16. https://www.thewellnesssandbox.ca/blog/post/resolving-to-reflect-this-new-year
- Neely, K.C., Montemurro, G.R., Storey, K.E. (2020) A Canadian-wide perspective on the essential conditions for taking a comprehensive school health approach. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):1907. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09987-6.
- Healthier students & communities. Intersection Education with Corey Haley. February 6, 2019. https://intersectioneducation.com/2019/02/06/35-dr-kate-storey-healthier-students/